
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2017

Apnea del sueño (infografia)


4th Congress of European ORL-HNS

Welcome Message Dear friends, When it was first announced that the  4 th  Congress of European ORL-HNS  would take place in Antalya - Turkey, it was our common expectation that you all would have the opportunity to experience the outstanding hospitality and organisational skills of the congress team as well as of the national Society and Turkey in general. Our meeting goals are to create synergy and academic vision; this cannot be achieved when a mind is not clear of doubts. Thus, it has been decided to move the congress. After careful deliberation of all input received, and a thorough analysis of alternative venues, the choice was made to relocate the  4 th  Congress of European ORL-HNS  to Barcelona. The event will take place from  October 7-11, 2017. This decision, we believe, shall attract the highest number of faculty members and attendees. We are counting on you to share this important update with your colleagues and society members...

68 Congreso SEORL-CCC

El  68 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello  se celebrará del 10 al 12 de noviembre de 2017 en Madrid. Más información:  http://congreso2017.seorl.net/

IFOS 2017 Congreso Mundial de Otorrinolaringología

 La Sociedad Venezolana de Otorrinolaringologiá te invita al IFOS 2017 Congreso Mundial  de Otorrinolaringología, a celebrarse del 24 al 28 de Junio del 2017 en, Paris Francia. Para mayor información visite el site oficial del evento:  www.ifosparis2017.org  o escriba un correo a:  contact@ifosparis2017